Welcome Winter Cacao Ceremony
As Fall ends and Winter begins we transition to the darker, colder half of the year. Traditional cultures have celebrated this time with bonfires and ceremonial offerings of food and drink.
Embrace the transformative energy of cacao, as we shed the old and welcome the new, opening ourselves to the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Join us in this heart-opening ceremony and awaken the magic within.
The ceremony will be in a safe and supportive community space, where you can connect and commune with like-minded individuals.
Sunday October 29th from 16h-18h at the Be Here
A 15€ donation is requested to help us cover the cost of the cacao and the space.
If you’d like to come or have questions, please e-mail: nectarkitchen@gmail.com so we know how much cacao to prepare.
Contra indicators: People who have serious heart conditions or are on certain anti-depressants should read this page to see if a cacao ceremony is right for them.